Sunday, March 4, 2012

women are getting it

It is gratifying to see that women are fighting back against the ridiculous idea of restricting women's health care.  Congratulations to the silent, and not so silent protesters in Virginia, who are making a huge impact on the legislative process there.

I totally support the right for the "faithful" to avoid using birth control, if that is important to them.  But their beliefs should not overrule the beliefs of others who don't share the same dogma.  Thankfully, we do not live in a theocracy.  Although it appears that Rick Santorum, and those of his ilk, would try hard to make it so. 

I was raised in an evangelical church.  We were taught to spread the "Good Word" to others.  However, I never was trained to believe that Christianity should trump the beliefs of all others.  (Don't get me started on how my grandmother viewed the Catholics, however.)   It seems that, of late, many Fundamental Christians are less and less tolerant of any other viewpoint than their own.  It seems that religion has gone to their heads!  The Jesus that I learned about as a child, would likely disapprove. 

I no longer participate in any organized religion.   But it doesn't stop me from trying to live by the Golden Rule, which is really just advice about putting yourself in other people's shoes, and walking a mile in them.  I also subscribe to the basics of being honest, and treating my parents respectfully. 

It would seem obvious that any religious tenet, taken to the extreme, becomes less like religion and more like a mechanism of power and control.  Many examples of this exist throughout time.  Today, when we think of ourselves as "evolved" and "sophisticated," how is it that we are still arguing about birth control, and the ability of women to control their own bodies?   

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