Wednesday, February 15, 2012

It will be up to women

I am in disbelief one minute and totally angry the next when I hear the talk about restricting women's health services.  Who in their right mind would seriously think about banning birth control? 

Although I disagree with folks who want abortions to be totally illegal, at least I can understand the moral ground they are defending.  But birth control?? 

Women need to stand up, and speak up about their own health care and reproductive rights.  Deja vu of the '60's and '70's.  Been there, done that.  Men need to also stand up to say that any thought of banning contraception is idiotic.

State of Virginia?  What are you thinking?     

Monday, February 13, 2012

back in the groove

Last week, I encountered a bad head cold, which has not happened to me for a long time.  It knocked my socks off.  (See previous blog entry about a little germ taking people down.)  I was out of the office for a couple of days, and the boss was gone, and the phones were way too busy and work piled up and... and....and.... Whew!

So today, I am trying to get back in a groove.  Plenty of work to do, but at least I can actually show some productivity!

I haven't blogged for a few days, and it seems very similar to any good thing that you stop doing for a while - it's hard to back into it.  Such as going to the gym, and then life gets complicated.  After a few days of laying off, it is hard to haul one's behind into the gym to restart the groove. Even when you know it is good for you.

Friday, February 3, 2012

scale phobia

There may be a scientific name for my phobia:  getting on a scale. 

Our agency initiated a "biggest loser" event for the purpose of motivating folks to lose weight and get healthier.  I am totally in favor of both of those goals.  I want to lose weight and feel healthier.  I think about it every day, multiple times a day.

Unfortunately, I have a horrible aversion to the scale, which of course, boils down to being ashamed of myself.  I cannot overcome the notion of getting "weighed in" and having someone record my weight.  I don't want to know what the number is, let alone have someone else know it, and record it in ink.  So no "biggest loser" for me. 

Shame is a powerful emotion.  I am overcome by it.  It is that part of myself that I need to shed.  As much as the actual pounds, I need to shed the old junk that helps me carry around my shame like a shroud. 

Thursday, February 2, 2012

fragile and strong

Human beings are so surprisingly strong and weak at the same time. 

People can endure hardships that seem beyond survival.  Accidents, disease, malnourishment, the challenge, and you will find examples of humans finding a way to overcome the worst circumstances that could be imagined. 

And yet, humans are fragile.  A little germ, a seemingly innocent bump on the head, a stray bullet or a small clot can quickly kill a previously vibrant being.  A broken heart can take down the strongest of us.